File: Agreement Sample 204692 | Avtaltetekst Sdca Engelsk
supplementary defense cooperation agreement between the government of the kingdom of norway and the government of the united states of america contents preamble i scope and purpose ii definitions iii ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 11 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Supplementary defense cooperation agreement between the government of kingdom norway and united states america contents preamble i scope purpose ii definitions iii access to use agreed facilities areas iv prepositioning equipment supplies materiel v property ownership vi security vii entry exit viii logistics support ix motor vehicles x licenses xi movement aircraft vessels xii criminal jurisdiction xiii custody xiv discipline xv claims xvi official tax exemptions xvii personal xviii importation exportation xix xx customs procedures xxi military service activities xxii post offices xxiii currency exchange xxiv labor xxv contracting xxvi u s contractors xxvii environment public health safety xxviii utilities communications xxix implementation disputes xxx into force amendment duration annex a hereinafter referred collectively as parties individually party cognizant rights obligations deriving from north atlantic treaty signed at washington on april which entered august considering that ...