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picture1_Contracts Pdf 204621 | Presentation Outline

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File: Contracts Pdf 204621 | Presentation Outline
rescission of real estate contracts i what is rescission a contract remedy rescission is a remedy that disaffirms the contract the remedy assumes the contract was properly formed but effectively ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 11 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Rescission of real estate contracts i what is a contract remedy that disaffirms the assumes was properly formed but effectively extinguishes ab initio as though it never came into existence and its terms cease to be enforceable b inconsistent with breach remedies predicated on disaffirmance thus damages suit for or fraud reformation specific performance all which affirm c lack formation finding there meeting minds essential e parties lacked contractual intent means no ii grounds mutual may effected by consent can without litigation written oral implied need not in writing even if rescinded required statute frauds consensual occur agreement from their unequivocal conduct continued enter new terminate old accomplish an effective must evidence traditional requirements creation offer acceptance assent consideration rescind former part both distinction between alteration modification retains legal effectiveness modified terminates requirement altered only subsequent executed does apply aban...

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