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picture1_Agreement Sample 204611 | Breitburnoperating Crownrock May92012

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File: Agreement Sample 204611 | Breitburnoperating Crownrock May92012
exhibit 10 2 purchase and sale agreement between crownrock l p a delaware limited partnership as seller and breitburn operating l p a delaware limited partnership as buyer table of ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 11 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Exhibit purchase and sale agreement between crownrock l p a delaware limited partnership as seller breitburn operating buyer table of contents article i assets section to sell excluded ii price deposit allocated values effective time iii title matters examination period defensible permitted encumbrances defect notice defects remedies for s waiver tag along rights preferential consents assignment benefits iv environmental review definitions v representations warranties existence legal power execution brokers bankruptcy suits royalties taxes contracts no conflict or violation compliance with laws wells proposed operations expenditures...

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