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picture1_Agreement Sample 204236 | Non Compete Confidentiality Agreement 002

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File: Agreement Sample 204236 | Non Compete Confidentiality Agreement 002
non compete confidentiality and non disclosure agreement this non compete confidentiality and non disclosure agreement agreement is hereby entered into by and between douglass community services incorporated douglass and employee ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 11 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Non compete confidentiality and disclosure agreement this is hereby entered into by between douglass community services incorporated employee whereas acknowledges the necessity of safeguarding s proprietary confidential information trade secrets recognizes sensitive nature such willing to employ disclose permit have direct contacts with existing future clients stakeholders etc as necessary job assignment in exchange for agreeing terms consideration at will employment decision grant access certain mutual covenants promises representations made herein adequacy sufficiency which specifically acknowledged agreed parties hereto agree follows acknowledgment agrees it provide perform his her duties he she shall hold strictest confidence neither i divulge or any defined entity individual except may be expressly authorized writing nor ii use benefit himself herself other employer used includes but not limited business plans strategies respect its facilities equipment programs products operation...

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