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picture1_Agreement Sample 204177 | City Franchise  Final Clean   April 12 1013

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File: Agreement Sample 204177 | City Franchise Final Clean April 12 1013
cable television system franchise agreement between city of vancouver washington and comcast of washington v llc as approved xx xx 2013 by ordinance m xxxx table of contents page section ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 11 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Cable television system franchise agreement between city of vancouver washington and comcast v llc as approved xx by ordinance m xxxx table contents page section definitions grant use public streets ways duration effective date nonexclusive other franchises competitive equity police powers relations to provisions law effect acceptance fee financial controls payments payment recomputation quarterly reports annual audits interest on late alternative remedies additional commitments not fees costs publication tax liability termination administration regulation authority rates charges filing time limits strictly construed performance evaluation sessions insurance requirements deductibles self insured retentions indemnification faithful bond customer service standards subscriber privacy local office emergency broadcast records open confidentiality copies federal state documents complaint file inspection facilities false statements programming broad categories parental control device leased a...

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