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picture1_Agreement Sample 204138 | Electric Franchise Agreement

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File: Agreement Sample 204138 | Electric Franchise Agreement
2012 electric distribution system franchise agreement electric distribution system franchise agreement between name of municipality and name of utility company page1 2012 electric distribution system franchise agreement table of contents ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 11 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Electric distribution system franchise agreement between name of municipality and utility company page table contents definitions interpretation term expiry renewal grant fee core services provision extra municipal taxes right to terminate on default sale street lighting increase in boundaries first refusal purchase construction maintenance responsibilities for cost relocations expansion upgrade joint use as retailer reciprocal indemnification liability assignment notices dispute settlement interruptions or discontinuance service application water gas companies act force majeure terms conditions not exclusive against her majesty severability amendments dissolution waiver confidentiality schedule a b c this made effective the day corporation located province alberta part body corporate public with its head office calgary second whereas desires obtain an provide within area herein contained therefore now consideration mutual covenants promises parties hereby agree follows unless otherwis...

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