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File: Franchisesinalberta
consumer tips franchises in alberta this publication is intended to provide general information only and is not a substitute for legal advice this publication will provide you with information about ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 11 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Consumer tips franchises in alberta this publication is intended to provide general information only and not a substitute for legal advice will you with about the legislation that deals franchise sales what contents page type of business arrangement franchisee buyer buys right market certain products services from franchisor seller those rights specific time particular location law act regulation outline s responsibility disclose they also options disclosure when rules or are followed document before buy franchisors must every potential copy at least days any agreement relating signed payment monies more whichever earlier if does happen may cancel all agreements cancellation occur within after receiving two years has been granted occurs first out date contain copies financial statement it include including but limited name address under which intends do principle an attorney service person form length conducted check each opportunity ask questions be operated by part names persons day ...

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