residential tenancy agreement addendum 1 rental period and terms of tenancy if the tenant ends the fixed term tenancy before the end of the original term as set out above ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 10 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Residential tenancy agreement addendum rental period and terms of if the tenant ends fixed term before end original as set out above landlord may at s option treat this being an in such event sum two month rent shall be paid by to liquidated damages not a penalty cover administration costs rerenting said premises acknowledge agree that payment preclude from exercising any further right pursuing other remedy available law or equity including but limited result income due breach ending parties o pm on afternoon last day understands agrees shown possible new tenants accordance with act fully co operate interest incoming arrears late returned non sufficient fund cheques nsf are subject minimum service charge each then current rate charged for services r jang associates ltd whichever is more although payable failure pay date fundamental obligation under requires it example excuse he she does have money will until later acceptable emergency phone number hrs hazards immediately notify which i...