supplier agreement for the provision of parks supplies between the mayor and burgesses of the london borough of haringey and the service provider this supplier agreement will be updated for ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 10 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Supplier agreement for the provision of parks supplies between mayor and burgesses london borough haringey service provider this will be updated use in relation to any suppliers required under equipment category include hire terms before requirements are issued by council that lbh january whereas a is constituted government act enters into pursuant its powers local contracts b placed contract notice on find tender establish dynamic purchasing system dps procurement maintenance c has established accordance with regulation public regulations been admitting continue admit providers which satisfy s selection criteria d contracted third party adam htt limited trading as provide web based software namely adamprocure co uk or such other technology may agreed from time application enable procure services via compliance e purpose set out process award once it admitted agreements requires conditions applicable those f parties acknowledge shall no obligation now hereby follows definitions interpr...