2015 070 agreement by and between home federal savings loan association of nebraska lexington nebraska and the comptroller of the currency home federal savings loan association of nebraska of lexington ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 10 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Agreement by and between home federal savings loan association of nebraska lexington the comptroller currency bank united states america wish to protect interests depositors other customers toward that end operate safely soundly in accordance with all applicable laws rules regulations has found unsafe or unsound banking practices relating credit underwriting administration management board oversight consideration above premises it is agreed through its duly elected acting directors his authorized representative shall at times compliance articles this article i jurisdiction be construed a written entered into agency within meaning u s c b such depository institution e formal f r see cause not eligible for expedited treatment unless otherwise informed writing reports plans which submit assistant deputy pursuant forwarded omaha field office fnb parkway suite ii committee fifteen days appoint least three no more than one an employee any affiliates as term affiliate defined family member pe...