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picture1_Lease Agreement Template 203282 | F24072 Ufofficeleasetemplate17

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File: Lease Agreement Template 203282 | F24072 Ufofficeleasetemplate17
lease agreement this lease agreement lease dated 20 the effective date by and between landlord a federal i d and the university of florida board of trustees tenant for the ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 10 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Lease agreement this dated the effective date by and between landlord a federal i d university of florida board trustees tenant for benefit its public body corporate existing under laws state witnesseth whereas is owner certain real property improvements located thereon defined herein as premises desires to from subject terms conditions contained in now therefore consideration obligation pay rent provided below provisions covenants hereinafter set forth agree follows summary user group total square footage address building s name c o office estate nd sw ave suite p box gainesville fl with copy general counsel tigert hall term initial years after commencement section renewal options consecutive periods each notice select or days prior end leasehold if applicable see exhibit b please attach detailed description build out allowance payable accordance provide base time period per month year foot adjustment st due first day calendar security deposit none permitted use such purposes shall be...

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