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picture1_Agreement Sample 203267 | Club Sponsorship Agreement Template

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File: Agreement Sample 203267 | Club Sponsorship Agreement Template
club sponsorship agreement this sponsorship agreement has been entered into as of between the following entities collectively known as the parties abc company pty ltd sponsor and xyz club the ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 10 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Club sponsorship agreement this has been entered into as of between the following entities collectively known parties abc company pty ltd sponsor and xyz document is a legally binding above listed agrees to pay in return for e g media coverage on posters digital screens website social pages clubs business provide use marketing promotion materials artwork logos written promotional material mutually agreed terms no employer employee relationship established or implied with liability responsibility beyond scope grants right their intellectual property promoting event including other brand trademarks if nature purchased package must be changed any reason notify writing not transferable cannot meet nancial requirements notication timely manner so that may nd another suitable anything expressly addressed s shall governed by contract laws state victoria signatures effective when signed all its date latest dates set out below behalf signature monash student union cauleld inc...

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