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picture1_Agreement Contract Sample 203243 | Attachment 3   Master Purchase Agreement Template

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File: Agreement Contract Sample 203243 | Attachment 3 Master Purchase Agreement Template
master purchase agreement contract no this master purchase agreement the agreement entered into as of by and between mercy corps a state of washington u s a nonprofit corporation having ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 10 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Master purchase agreement contract no this the entered into as of by and between mercy corps a state washington u s nonprofit corporation having its principal office in portland oregon supplier is follows order issuance acceptance from time to during term may desire goods at specifications prices specified should authorized representative will issue orders substantially form attached hereto exhibit each or po must notify within three business days if it rejects requires changes additional terms defined are schedule i incorporated reference following included delivery date location donor packing requirements pricing means case amended modified supplemented be throughout sale sell pay price for accordance with conditions set forth stated shall remain valid apply all issued under non exclusivity not intended create an exclusive relationship parties unless specify minimum quantity obligated any only strictly comply exceed listed deviation substitution change permitted without prior written...

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