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picture1_Tenant Agreement Template 203180 | 271748

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File: Tenant Agreement Template 203180 | 271748
introductory secure tenancy agreement sample www lewes gov uk sample introductory secure tenancy agreement introductory secure tenancy agreement this is your tenancy agreement the legal contract that sets out the ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 10 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Introductory secure tenancy agreement sample www lewes gov uk this is your the legal contract that sets out conditions of it also council s responsibilities as landlord and a tenant important you understand if break any terms could lose home would like help to please contact housing team on or email describing between i district southover house road bn ab named below who have signed page in relation property described full name there more than one word applies all names tenants should be written above each individually has rights we us address postcode which includes fixtures fittings garden paths hedges trees fences garages greenhouses outbuildings owned by used exclusively with type size h flat ouse floor maisonette bungalow other number bedrooms no front rear maximum people allowed live either will tick appropriate box an weekly periodic under act last for year from unless extended automatically become after months started possession proceedings against probation period been further...

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