Equipment Lease Agreement This Equipment Lease Agreement (the “Agreement”) is made and entered on _______________________, ______, by and between _____________________ (“Lessor”) and ____________________ (“Lessee”) ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 10 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Equipment lease agreement this the is made and entered on by between lessor lessee collectively referred to as parties agree follows hereby leases following term will start begin date end payments agrees pay rent for amount of each month in advance first day at address payment or any other designated if does not last a be prorated accordingly late charges under more than days fee security deposit prior taking possession shall with trust performance terms damages caused s agents during may use part all repair damage however just limited remains liable balance apply deduct portion from such time lieu breaches conditions forfeit permitted law delivery responsible expenses costs i beginning shipping premises ii back defaults fails perform fulfill obligation default subject statute ordinance contrary have seven notice cure event option cost action added financial obligations b declare become insolvent cease do business going concern petition has been filed against bankruptcy act similar fed...