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picture1_Tenant Agreement Template 203112 | Contract English

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File: Tenant Agreement Template 203112 | Contract English
general rental agreement for art box student rooms staffelnhofstrasse 7 1 contracting parties landlord frye gmbh st karli strasse 71 b 6004 luzern represented by urban frye tenant name e ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 10 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...General rental agreement for art box student rooms staffelnhofstrasse contracting parties landlord frye gmbh st karli strasse b luzern represented by urban tenant name e mail mobile number nationality lan guage date of birth college university enrolment main instrument emergency contact address surname and first town or city coun try telephone num ber it is the responsibility to ensure they have a visa residence permit that administration up study data at all times property room shared use garden rehearsal with equipment laundry cellar storage bi cycle communal areas wifi object partly furnished inventory condition shall be recorded on handover report start tenancy term termination september run an unlimited period time notice months end each month except december rent incidental costs monthly chf which are settled as fixed fee without billing include following heating hot water waste maintenance electricity lift building cost disposal not included in bags labels required must bought u...

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