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picture1_Agreement Sample 202643 | Eld11 Item Download 2023-02-10 11-27-01

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File: Agreement Sample 202643 | Eld11 Item Download 2023-02-10 11-27-01
exclusive distribution agreement this agreement is made and entered as of by and between csen international ltd hereinafter referred to as developer a corporation having its offices in jerusalem israel ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 10 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Exclusive distribution agreement this is made and entered as of by between csen international ltd hereinafter referred to developer a corporation having its offices in jerusalem israel existing under the laws state distributor witnesseth consideration mutual covenants conditions herein contained intending be legally bound hereby parties mutually agree follows products territory appoints on an basis it sole for sale set forth schedule defined below during term appointing hereunder with respect any purchasers whose principal place business located following described best efforts shall use promote sell maximum number responsible customers sales limited not solicit orders from prospective purchaser outside if receives order immediately refer that accept such may deliver or tender cause delivered tendered product knows has reason believe intends remove those modification territories reserves right upon consultation expand reduce which are covered also prices payment purchase submitting wri...

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