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picture1_Agreement Contract Sample 202477 | Caretaker Agreement Form

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File: Agreement Contract Sample 202477 | Caretaker Agreement Form
caretaker agreement this agreement is made between owner and caretaker the parties agree as follows 1 property caretaker agrees to monitor the residential property having the following common address block ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 10 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Caretaker agreement this is made between owner and the parties agree as follows property agrees to monitor residential having following common address block no lot barangay municipality of province term shall commence on continue until terminated provided herein terminate earlier occurrence any a sixty days notice given by either party other b home sold or homeowner s contract with otherwise guidelines pursuant terms conditions set forth in stay live within said occasionally inspect exterior interior check for signs damages forced entry condition that may be concern c have means turn water off case an emergency also ensure secured after d contact authorization repairs event damage roof visual need contractor e physically visually driveway insure has occurred if evident f occupy his family at all time authorized together her temporarily reside sole purpose monitoring payment not receive money services tendered maintain log activities performed required section through make such availabl...

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