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picture1_Agreement Contract Sample 202441 | 125948307

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File: Agreement Contract Sample 202441 | 125948307
advances in social science education and humanities research volume 499 2nd international conference on law governance and social justice icolgas 2020 legal protection of the parties in the franchise agreement ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 10 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Advances in social science education and humanities research volume nd international conference on law governance justice icolgas legal protection of the parties franchise agreement dharu triasih dewi tuti muryati university semarang indonesia e mail dharutriasih fhusm yahoo co id dewitutimuryati com abstract agreements are based made by both this causes principles contractual freedom set out article as well obligations rights for civil code however implementation franchisee business basis needs to pay attention requirements mentioned which is about conditions an one encourages problems applicability all legally established existence a standard contract or contained laws those who make them cannot how be revoked long it agreed upon during pandemic what reasons reasoned sufficient consequences not registering approach method normative juridical that purpose must executed specifications analytical descriptive good faith provisions data collection used library studies document will known ...

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