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picture1_Agreement Contract Sample 202315 | Mcq 019

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File: Agreement Contract Sample 202315 | Mcq 019
no of printed pages 2 mcq 019 masters of business administration supply chain management mbascmfl term end examination june 2013 mcq 019 business law and taxation time 3 hours maximum ...

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...No of printed pages mcq masters business administration supply chain management mbascmfl term end examination june law and taxation time hours maximum marks note attempt any five questions all carry equal explain the consent state its importance in a contract when is said to be free how would you distinguish between fraud misrepresentation what are effects on validity every an agreement but may not b briefly essentials with suitable illustrations memorandum articles company various clauses these p t o negotiable instrument basic features bill exchange cheque meaning implied conditions warranties as per sale goods act such stipulations included enactment outline objectives consumer protection this give examples regard meant by unfair trade practice differentiate direct indirect tax help appropriate which one more important for developing economy reasons your answer write short notes two following mis statements prospectus consequences relating holding board meetings c quasi contracts un...

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