model smoke free lease addendum and lease provisions below we have provided both a model smoke free lease addendum which can be considered for addition to existing leases and model ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 10 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Model smoke free lease addendum and provisions below we have provided both a which can be considered for addition to existing leases inclusion in new or condominium conditions covenants restrictions before utilizing this language landlords owners should consult with their own legal counsel tenant all members of s family household are parties written landlord the states following additional terms rules hereby incorporated into breach shall give each party rights contained herein as well purpose no smoking policy desire mitigate i irritation known health risks from secondhand ii increased maintenance cleaning redecorating costs iii risk fire definition term means inhaling exhaling breathing carrying any lighted cigar cigarette other tobacco product similar manner form complex agrees acknowledges that premises occupied by been designated living environment not anywhere unit rented building where dwelling is located common areas adjoining grounds such parts rental community nor permit gues...