Convertible Loan Agreement Peak Capital III B.V. - Fundathon [date] CONVERTIBLE LOAN AGREEMENT between [Company] and PEAK CAPITAL III B.V. Page 1 of 15 Convertible Loan Agreement Peak ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 10 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Convertible loan agreement peak capital iii b v fundathon between and page of the undersigned a private company with limited liability incorporated under laws netherlands having its registered seat in amsterdam principal place business bg on eerste jacob van campenstraat i at trade register chamber commerce number parties hereinafter collectively also referred to as individually party lender whereas is active venture investor early stage companies field c wishes borrow from lend an amount eur form terms conditions this have agreed follows definitions unless defined elsewhere capitalized expressions printed bold hereunder column shall meaning indicated behind relevant expression below acquisition merger share exchange consolidation all or substantially assets shares reorganization liquidation that results shareholders immediately prior such transaction owning less than voting successor parent corporation after case sale owned by other issuance equity securities for primary purpose raisi...