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picture1_Agreement Sample 202018 | Distribution Agreement Name Of Supplier

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File: Agreement Sample 202018 | Distribution Agreement Name Of Supplier
sampledocument distributionagreement agreementmadeasofthe dayof 20 byandbetween nameofsupplier havingitsbusinessaddressat hereinafter referred to as supplier and nameofdistributor havingitsprincipalplaceofbusiness at hereinafter referred to as distributor witnesseth whereas a supplieristheproducerofcertain wines from the state ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 10 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Sampledocument distributionagreement agreementmadeasofthe dayof byandbetween nameofsupplier havingitsbusinessaddressat hereinafter referred to as supplier and nameofdistributor havingitsprincipalplaceofbusiness at distributor witnesseth whereas a supplieristheproducerofcertain wines from the state of more particularly identified on price list attached hereto made part hereof schedule products b distributordesirestosecurefromsupplier andsupplieriswillingto grant exclusive right sell distribute s in united states america with exception direct retail airline or consumer sales exported out country winery territory nowtherefore itismutuallyagreedasfollows supplierherebyappointsdistributorasitssoleandexclusivedistributor for term this agreement sale distribution throughout will maintain cause be maintained staff handled by including distributorshalluseitsbestefforts promote supplierwillnotshiptheproducts anyother bearing same similar trademark signature identification anywhere package except...

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