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picture1_Lease Agreement Template 201967 | Taxicableaseagreement Ntatemplate

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File: Lease Agreement Template 201967 | Taxicableaseagreement Ntatemplate
carrier name and dba s cpcn taxicab lease agreement this taxicab lease agreement lease made this day of between carrier name with its principal place of business at carrier address ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 10 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Carrier name and dba s cpcn taxicab lease agreement this made day of between with its principal place business at address hereinafter referred to as leasing company an independent contractor employee his her residence located lessee driver whereas is intrastate for hire common motor operating under a certificate public convenience necessity issued by the transportation authority nevada owner taxicabs other vehicles desires from vehicle services term conditions herein set forth parties desire confirm their understanding in writing now therefore consideration mutual promises covenants contained good valuable agree follows agrees insignia number painted approved color scheme leased commencement shall deliver working order properly licensed full tank fuel equip radio taximeter identifying decals seals equipment required applicable federal state local laws ordinances collectively regulatory authorities fees licensing maintain pay all licenses taxes on times than periods defined below may ei...

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