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picture1_Lease Agreement Template 201725 | 2022 Primero Grove Sample Lease

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File: Lease Agreement Template 201725 | 2022 Primero Grove Sample Lease
primero grove lease agreement part i declarations 1 parties this lease agreement is between the regents of the university of california hereinafter referred to as the university and student id ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 10 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Primero grove lease agreement part i declarations parties this is between the regents of university california hereinafter referred to as and student id lessee eah community housing inc owner a nonprofit corporation neither owned nor controlled by or public trust administered property description hereby leases apartment described located at davis ca term shall be for period beginning through renewal not required renew allow continue occupy beyond end if wishes they respond s offer in affirmative comply with instruction lessees who were delinquent rent three more times within year may ineligible termination notice agrees that terminate tenancy without cause under upon thirty days written serve day pay quit perform covenant whichever appropriate fails other charges when due otherwise breaches terms conditions include but are limited following failure maintain eligibility provided section b promptly stated levied c use unreasonably damages endangers its furnishings building disturbs resid...

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