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picture1_Lease Agreement Template 201651 | Long Term Vehicle Lease Agreement

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File: Lease Agreement Template 201651 | Long Term Vehicle Lease Agreement
university of nebraska lincoln university fleet management by removing keys for a university vehicle from university fleet managements self serve keyosk dispatch system the leasing department agrees to the following ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 10 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...University of nebraska lincoln fleet management by removing keys for a vehicle from managements self serve keyosk dispatch system the leasing department agrees to following lease agreement unit number reservation period monthly depreciation charge mileage rate fee between above referenced lessee and lessor identified covers insurance maintenance repair accelerated due exceeding planned life utilize online e log https scsapps unl edu mileagelog or maintain paper submit end month odometer days use readings on th before all is be performed at s facility pre determined location except in case emergencies an emergency out area breakdown will provide assistance enable repaired event must have prior approval repairs not responsible replacement loss time town breakdowns pay deductible accident where fault damage during any associated with driver abuse negligence rental there no extra charges turn excessive wear tear charged without notification drivers are inspecting body operation reporting u...

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