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picture1_Agreement Contract Sample 201376 | Pro Bout Agreemencontract Bx 06 15r

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File: Agreement Contract Sample 201376 | Pro Bout Agreemencontract Bx 06 15r
professional bout agreement contract contestant information promoter information name name hawaii license no hawaii license no address address telephone no telephone no the contestant agrees to participate in a professional ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 10 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Professional bout agreement contract contestant information promoter name hawaii license no address telephone the agrees to participate in a boxing contest sponsored by against on at which is located above named hereby maximum weight of pounds weigh ins for shall take place date time location wear ounce gloves during s opponent same glove and agree will be or has been paid compensated as follows show win gross purse deductions fees charges expenses advances total amount sign upon payment after fight continued page bx r must include all payments consideration provided training assessed deducted from understands that participating this unarmed combat engaging an abnormally dangerous activity subjects risk severe injury death full knowledge risks nonetheless enter into waives any claim heirs may have state commission hereafter result suffer participation i read understand initials conducted accordance with laws statutes rules regulations policies are made part it understood agreed rights ...

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