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picture1_Rental Agreement Pdf 201372 | Meetingroomrental2015

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File: Rental Agreement Pdf 201372 | Meetingroomrental2015
meeting room equipment rental agreement the castlegar and district public library grants permission for the use of the library meeting room as outlined subject to the terms and conditions of ...

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...Meeting room equipment rental agreement the castlegar and district public library grants permission for use of as outlined subject to terms conditions this name organization contact address phone fax email dates required time from number people expected attend maximum type activity business government individuals non profit groups hours regular bookings are defined at least four within six months key deposit if takes place while is closed needed circle digital projector screen refundable used off site overhead only storage related supplies month additional fees may be assessed depending on size items stored special requests total due undersigned agrees bound by has authority sign behalf signature date please submit your payment with completed form policy available a basis activities will take priority over all other renting space responsible set up clean ensuring premises properly secured not open renter s responsibility shall b pay full cost in advance c demand any damage or extra cha...

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