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picture1_Agreement Sample 201284 | Agreement Version 0

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File: Agreement Sample 201284 | Agreement Version 0
1 secretary of state for the home department and 2 insert name of sponsoring organisation agreement relating to the provision of community sponsorship for the period dd mmm yyyy dd ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 09 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Secretary of state for the home department and insert name sponsoring organisation agreement relating to provision community sponsorship period dd mmm yyyy resettlement operations lunar house croydon cr by v this is made on day between acting behalf crown through whose principal place business at authority registered address sponsor background a published notice july gov uk seeking applications from potential sponsors capable supporting vulnerable persons brought united kingdom under programme b an that has met s criteria resettle refugees basis applied c following assessment application contented itself capacity capability deliver services as set out in contract d parties have agreed shall dispense their obligations terms conditions it follows definitions interpretations sets entire replaces all previous negotiations agreements understandings representations whether oral or writing version means process which satisfy eligibility beneficiary those who been resettled afghan citizens sch...

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