issn 2348 1196 print international journal of computer science and information technology research issn 2348 120x online vol 9 issue 1 pp 139 144 month january march 2021 available at ...
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...Issn print international journal of computer science and information technology research x online vol issue pp month january march available at www researchpublish com virtual tourist guide dhanraj solanki shiv patel urvesh prof abhishek tripathi student it department pit parul university vadodara india paruluniversity ac in asst rof cse abstract the phenomenon searching for travel on web is reported issues how predominant people are what terms using to express their related needs investigated geographical accounts nearly this with general accounting just less than an analysis individual queries shows there substantial specific websites such as mapquest travelocity orbitz searchers appear be target events again showing a strong bias along temporal component underlying intent distribution topics skewed several being very focused others classification scheme was developed which should helpful other researchers area implications both content providers discussed keywords search engines que...