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picture1_Marketing In Tourism Pdf 201129 | Cbr 000205 Fin 0003

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File: Marketing In Tourism Pdf 201129 | Cbr 000205 Fin 0003
online reservations and hotel distribution channels in european tourism a case of croatia dadi i slivar i florii t iva dadi juraj dobrila university of pula faculty of economics and ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 09 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Online reservations and hotel distribution channels in european tourism a case of croatia dadi i slivar florii t iva juraj dobrila university pula faculty economics department preradovieva hr email dadic unipu tamara floricic abstract technologies transform the total marketing mix products dynamic market where is detected as key factor placement profitability main goal this paper to explore hospitality industry identify most successful elements for purposes realising future excellence post covid that could enhance competitiveness incentives reservation were identified ranked was realised by choosing representative sample researching it using structured questionnaire evaluated research findings present importance travel agents ota tour operators social networks conferences mice segment potential global systems gds although not fully valorised practice implicate franchising contracting with brands consortia answer question which tools techniques innovative should be used what product sal...

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