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picture1_Business Spread Sheet 18503 | 18668 Id Analisis Implementasi Contractor Safety Management System Csms Terhadap Pekerjaa

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File: Business Spread Sheet 18503 | 18668 Id Analisis Implementasi Contractor Safety Management System Csms Terhadap Pekerjaa
jurnal kesehatan masyarakat e journal volume 3 nomor 3 april 2015 issn 2356 3346 http ejournal s1 undip ac id index php jkm analisis implementasi contractor safety management system csms ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Diposting 24 Jul 2022 | 3 thn lalu
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...Jurnal kesehatan masyarakat e journal volume nomor april issn http ejournal s undip ac id index php jkm analisis implementasi contractor safety management system csms terhadap pekerjaan berisiko tinggi di pt pertamina persero refinery unit iv cilacap kusuma damayanti santoso ida wahyuni bina kurniawan bagian keselamatan dan kerja fakultas universitas diponegoro email kusumadamayanti gmail com abstract is a that manage occupational in site of business job auctioned to has three risk category low medium and high had been accidents at jobs result death the implementation ever there discrepancy with guidelines contractors borrow ppe owned by while an agreement pre qualification stage will provide any kind purpose this study analyze accordance research qualitative descriptive analysis method done depth interviews field observations subjects consists main informants triangulation results showed most are but not all work assessed risks kick off meeting materials incomplete orientation sites o...

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