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picture1_Marketing In Tourism Pdf 201030 | Chapter 7   Electronic Distribution

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File: Marketing In Tourism Pdf 201030 | Chapter 7 Electronic Distribution
chapter 7 electronic distribution peter o connor professor information systems essec business school france handbook of hospitality operations and it introduction technology fulfils a number of roles in hospitality and ...

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...Chapter electronic distribution peter o connor professor information systems essec business school france handbook of hospitality operations and it introduction technology fulfils a number roles in tour ism acting as creator protector enhancer focal point or destroyer the tourism experience stipanuk however many believe that technologys greatest impact on this industry is how product being sold channels particularly those enabled by internet have forever changed way which sup pliers interact with customer clearly an management issue well marketing one network trad itional continues to rapidly evolve has been identified five most volatile factors affecting hotel olsen et al gain understanding importance complexity arena explores develop ment research into such should be managed explored gaps our current knowledge highlighted divided three main sections first examines general identify developments fol lowed analysis growth par ticularly based web effect they had distributed lastly issues...

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