HAAKON FOSSEN CURRICULUM VITAE Nationality: Norwegian Born: Dec. 26, 1961 Position: Full professor of geology University of Bergen, Bergen University Museum/Department of Earth Science, Box 7803, N-5020 Bergen, Norway (haakon ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 09 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Haakon fossen curriculum vitae nationality norwegian born dec position full professor of geology university bergen museum department earth science box n norway uib no education doctor philosophy phd in structural june minnesota advisors profs christian teyssier and peter j hudleston cand scient degree feb prof brian a sturt real asbjorn thon mag website folk nglhe metrics h index citations year google scholar april appointments porous sandstones utah colorado nevada usa provence france sinai egypt with focus on subseismic structures deforma present tion bands fault geometry growth from networks principal researcher adjunctive centre integrated petroleum research funded projects recent geophysicist senior geologist statoil scholarship recipient contractional deformation council at cops financed by uni cipr k nok for field work etc social service geological survey postdoc u montpellier fr frankrike terminated spring assistant dept uplift burial reactivation across the oslo margin viking ...