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picture1_Geology Pdf 200896 | Stuctural Geology Workshop

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File: Geology Pdf 200896 | Stuctural Geology Workshop
11 applied structural geology in exploration and mining a practical workshop overview presenter srk kazakhstan location srk kazakhstan srsrk k ccoonnssuullttiinngg ka kazzaakkhhssttaann llttdd 22001155 alalll ririgghhttss reresseervrveedd workshop introduction ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 09 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Applied structural geology in exploration and mining a practical workshop overview presenter srk kazakhstan location srsrk k ccoonnssuullttiinngg ka kazzaakkhhssttaann llttdd alalll ririgghhttss reresseervrveedd introduction technical training developed for geologists aims define the simple principles of control demonstrate why so many ore deposits are strongly structurally controlled describe best practices data collection analysis mineral provide sufficient information on principal elements processes to allow basic interpretations analyses be conducted instill attendees confidence start thinking about at their project how they can use it make real difference consulting ltd all rights reserved format days o classroom based lectures practicals day field mine or core store depending upon four modules each x morning sessions afternoon module content topic outline starts with basics recap progresses more depth concepts explores aspects exercises reinforce key points informal learning envi...

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