geology vol v coal exploration and mining geology colin r ward coal exploration and mining geology colin r ward head school of geology university of new south wales sydney australia ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 09 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Geology vol v coal exploration and mining colin r ward head school of university new south wales sydney australia keywords resources reserves geophysical methods drilling borehole logging deposit evaluation quality assessment environmental impacts contents introduction objectives programs background studies for titles existing data surface geological mapping geophysics baseline techniques core down hole logs analysis compilation maps sections computer databases modeling in open cut mine design investigations mines underground unesco eolss stress deformation around openings sample chapters gas seams subsidence over workings glossary bibliography biographical sketch encyclopedia life support systems summary involves finding deposits it also evaluating or to determine the quantity contained within them identify any factors that may affect recovery use concerned a variety is used including field interpretation air photos satellite images airborne ground surveys such as gravity magnetic sei...