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...Geos structural geology tectonics syllabus fall instructor m scott wilkerson julian x mswilke depauw edu http www academics departments programs envgeo class pm mwf lecture th lab oce hours other times stop in or by appt texts required fossen nd ed cambridge basic methods of marshak mitra prentice hall a pencil mm h an eraser scientic calculator small stapler usb ash drive will be needed for this course colored pencils pen and c thru ruler protractor combo would useful goals to use observations measurements the logic science gain understanding geometric shape kinematic motion dynamic mechanical development features that form architectural framework earth upon completion you should leave with detailed different types structures formed nature besides rock type most commonly observed feature outcrops are primary sedimentary e g bedding cross tectonic fractures faults folds students able readily identify these processes how evolve both kinematically mechanically inuence various factors lit...