Pakistan Journal of Commerce and Social Sciences 2019, Vol. 13 (4), 976-996 Pak J Commer Soc Sci How RIASEC Personality Traits Crystallizes Occupational Preferences among Adolescents: Match or Mismatch Samiah Ahmed National College of Business Administration and Economics Lahore, Pakistan Email: Alia Ahmed National College of Business Administration and Economics Lahore, Pakistan Email: Taseer Salahuddin Government Sadiq College Women University ...
er Module P.P.P. 1 semestre LE TEST RIASEC Le Test RIASEC ou "test de HOLLAND", mis au point par le psychologue John HOLLAND, est une theorie sur les carrieres et choix vocationnels qui s'appuie sur 6 types de personnes au travail : « Realiste », « Investigateur », « Artistique », « Social », « Entreprenant », « Conventionnel ...
SOME COMMONLY ASKED QUESTIONS Programs What parameters does your test measure? Lodestar helps students to make scientific decisions about their future education and careers based on their Vocational Personality, Aptitude and Interest. Vocational Personality test is a 60 questions test which evaluates the student’s personality on six dimensions - i.e REALISTIC, INVESTIGATIVE, ARTISTIC, SOCIAL, ENTERPRISING & CONVENTIONAL. This is also called the ...
Name Class LODESTAR CAREER GUIDANCE Stream Selector Report TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. Content 1 Stream Selection The Importance and Science behind it 2 Your Test Results Personality and Aptitude Scores 3 Stream Recommendation Your top recommended Streams 4 Description of your recommended Stream Subjects + Degrees + Career Potential 6 Next Step How to make a Final Decision 8 Career Guidance Test- The Science ...
CCCaaarrreeeeeerrr EEExxxppplllooorrraaatttiiiooonnn 2 0 2 0 PRESENTED BY ARIZONA DESERT - 2 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL COUNSELING 0 2 DEPARTMENT 1 RRRIIIAAASSSEEECCC ? U O Use the RIASEC Test to see which career pathway Y R is right for you. Take the test by clicking here. O F R Answer the questions then add up your E E R responses to see which of the Holland's Codes ...
Which Career Pathway is right for you? ThE RIASEC TEST Follow these easy steps to see where your interests are. Read each statement. If you agree with the statement, fill in the circle. There are no wrong answers! 1. I like to work on cars 22. I like putting things together or 2. I like to do puzzles assembling things 3. I am good at ...
Which Career Pathway is right for you? THE RIASEC TEST Follow these easy steps to see where your interests are. Read each statement. If you agree with the statement, ll in the circle. There are no wrong answers! 1. I like to work on cars 22. I like putting things together or 2. I like to do puzzles assembling things 3. I am good at ...
Which Career Pathway is right for you? THE RIASEC TEST Follow these easy steps to see where your interests are. Read each statement. If you agree with the statement, fill in the circle. There are no wrong answers! ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. I like to work on cars ______________________________________________________________________________22. I like putting things together or ______________________________________________________________________________ assembling things 2. I like to do puzzles 23. I am ...
Which Career Pathway is right for you? —----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF THE RIASEC TEST R = Realistic “Doers” S = Social “Helpers” These people are often good at mechanical or These people like to work with other people, rather athletic jobs. Good areas of study for Realistic than things. Good college majors for Social people people are are Agriculture Counseling Health Assistant Nursing ...