spring 2010 gol 338 syllabus policy sfasu cosm v 3 structural geology name dr chris barker the following topics will be covered though the department geology order may vary email ...
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...Spring gol syllabus policy sfasu cosm v structural geology name dr chris barker the following topics will be covered though department order may vary email cbarker edu phone topic text chpt of time website http www html introduction primary structures office rm miller science building folds hours tues am pm wed faults thurs please stop by foliation lineation to ask questions discuss lab problems or make shear zones suggestions if are inconvenient call joints me schedule an appoint permits ment rock mechanics class meeting and place room additional lecture mwf mon grades three hour exams each a comprehensive final exam totaling objective this course is study deformation all types primarily you attendance participation learn about at various scales most occurs plate boundaries so total also effect tectonic movements approximate grade scale b c test dates d less f feb friday march up given only for documented excused absences april during dead week monday other material read assigned sect...