eas 521 2014 1 university of alberta eas 521 structural geology and tectonics fall 2014 lecture room time mwf 10 11 biological sciences m137 labs mt 2 5 esb 4 ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 09 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Eas university of alberta structural geology and tectonics fall lecture room time mwf biological sciences m labs mt esb with computer work in instructor john w f waldron office ccis lab telephone e mail ualberta ca web page http courses hours teaching assistants robert dokken ryan lacombe rlacombe morgan snyder mesnyder technician marilyn huff a about the course is on structure earth for msc students geoscience builds upon basic techniques description taught unconformities fractures folds fabrics examines how these structures are formed major belts deformation that affect s lithosphere rifts orogens strike slip geometric kinematic dynamic analysis produced by stress origin faults joints veins tectonites brittle ductile strain rocks extensional compressional associations regional crustal exercises include interpretation subsurface hydrocarbon mineral exploration stereographic study rock prerequisites an introductory geologic class equivalent to note attending classes you represent have ...