geology class xi theory one paper 3 hours 7o marks unit unitwise weightage marks periods i general geology and physical geology 15 40 ii crystallography and mineralogy 20 50 iii ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 09 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Geology class xi theory one paper hours o marks unit unitwise weightage periods i general and physical ii crystallography mineralogy iii palaeontology iv economic introduction of definition scope branches the earth as planet shape origin earthnabular hypothesis planetesimal double star recent age earthconcept determination by radioactive method v internal constitution structure revealed seismic waves vi earthquake causes effects types vii volcanoesdefinition products viii concept plate tectonics ix agents processes weathering erosion denudation deposition crystal form face edge solid angle interfacial its measurements symmetry elements intercepts parameters indices axial ratio systems classification seven study normal classes isometric system tetragonal hexagonal with examples mineral minerals amorphous crystalline rock forming ore properties colour streak lustre cleavage fracture hardness tenacity taste feel odour etc nicol prism construction part petrological microscope moh s scale u...