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picture1_Tourism Pdf 200414 | English 3 Tourism

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File: Tourism Pdf 200414 | English 3 Tourism
english for tourism students workbook ken mcintyre centre for language studies dili institute of technology 2013 centre for language studies dili institute of technology dili timor leste www tetundit tl ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 09 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...English for tourism students workbook ken mcintyre centre language studies dili institute of technology timor leste www tetundit tl isbn table contents at the airport vocabulary arriving and departing international signs dialogue pm information on an airline ticket reading advertisement postcards from singapore amsterdam countries nationalities food exercise wh questions should shouldn t a postcard timetables schedules time differences arrival departure timetable prepositions open closed verb tense hotel hotels countable uncountable nouns accommodation i text maria s holiday some any ii crossword capital cities room late work restaurant trainee chef in hong kong speaking practice exercises compounds with mixed both either or neither nor travel documents boarding pass filling form card italy much many culture doing business asking charts graphs guest house...

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