product improvement or innovation what is the key to success in tourism by klaus weiermair professor and head of the center for tourism and service economics university of innsbruck abstract ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 09 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Product improvement or innovation what is the key to success in tourism by klaus weiermair professor and head of center for service economics university innsbruck abstract this paper built like a three layered club house sandwich with first layer providing some theoretical conceptual insights regarding expected behaviour based on available material industrial second will provide empirical testing causes consequences development recent research carried out at interviews author both europe north america various larger national global firms e g tour operators airlines theme parks finally last draw conclusions discuss results respect issues prospects policy making relevance importance it probably fair say that most sectors economic activity western economies have undergone strong technological changes moving towards flexible manufacturing outsourcing creating com new economy which very much fits schumpeter described as creative destruction existing institutional arrangements patterns excha...