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picture1_Tourism Pdf 200334 | Paper 3

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File: Tourism Pdf 200334 | Paper 3
research paper historical development of tourism education in india the case of the himalayan state of uttarakhand s c bagri dean school of management tourism hoteliering professor director centre for ...

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...Research paper historical development of tourism education in india the case himalayan state uttarakhand s c bagri dean school management hoteliering professor director centre for mountain hospitality studies h n b garhwal university srinagar a suresh babu assistant department travel government arts college ooty tamil nadu abstract having acknowledged with prominent share sector both domestically and globally subcontinent is exploring possible opportunities positioning itself as an admired educational destination incidentally respect to does not shine maximum benefits its counterparts other continents enjoy present attempt showcase roadblocks found indian special emphasis on mountainous unsurpassed beauty whole treasure need have become imperative develop promote same study was based primary secondary data collected during december march himalaya necessary statistical tests like anova mann whitney etc are employed arrive out meaningful results structured questionnaire were used instrum...

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