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picture1_Marketing In Tourism Pdf 200314 | 12 Item Download 2023-02-09 13-14-02

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File: Marketing In Tourism Pdf 200314 | 12 Item Download 2023-02-09 13-14-02
issn 2349 5197 impact factor 2 715 international journal of research science management strategic management of the domestic tourism the first step for a successful algerian tourism sector amine mokhefi ...

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...Issn impact factor international journal of research science management strategic the domestic tourism first step for a successful algerian sector amine mokhefi tarik hamoul and bouzida sawsan doctor in economics university mostaghanem algeria poidex laboratory industrial policy development external exchanges researcher studies local bechar editor chief marketing jmsm doctorat student annaba doi zenodo keywords south africa s abstract has proven it self to be major catalyst any country also elevated its role as player other aspects such environment protection revitalization culture unfortunatlly is usually neglected even though considered beating heart an essential component process order that we try present this paper different succesful african strategy guidline futur investments introduction important not only stimulate leisure travel at home but attract more foreign tourist arrivals when you have nation enthusiastic passionate tourists gain priceless bank recommendations ambassador...

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