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picture1_Tourism Pdf 200312 | 144 T046

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Tourism Pdf 200312 | 144 T046

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 09 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...International journal of information and education technology vol no august structuring an ontology the basic vocabulary tourism patricia tosqui lucks bento carlos dias da silva abstract in attempt to fulfill needs a student ii building master sources concepts contribute semantic conceptual study lexicon this paper presents ontological order elaborate we have which on one hand constitutes consulted different kinds enable linguistic pedagogical resource other can understanding collecting related be integrated specific lexical data bases firstly present specialized domain corresponding helped us establish form items that express these from were extracted both english portuguese extract constituted by dictionaries technical books didactic for students then would consist following some problems posed during texts about possible solutions esp onomasiological them end presented sample using learners nets editor protege selected each princeton wordnet berkeley framenet types longman language ...

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