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picture1_Tourism Pdf 200255 | Alcantar Eop Vocabulary

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File: Tourism Pdf 200255 | Alcantar Eop Vocabulary
memorias de las 1as jornadas de lenguas en contacto uan 2011 isbn 978 607 7868 38 5 eop vocabulary to improve communication between tourism professionals and international tourists visiting nayarit ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 09 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Memorias de las as jornadas lenguas en contacto uan isbn eop vocabulary to improve communication between tourism professionals and international tourists visiting nayarit carlota alcantar diaz universidad autonoma alcantardiaz hotmail com abstract lexical knowledge is essential communicative competence the acquisition of a second language expressions can sustain great deal basic without much support from other aspects schmitt use appropriate in context where used facilitates however spite importance very little attention paid this feature ma tesol programs present research reports an study based on construction special corpus with purpose obtaining most frequent words texts field we surveyed english reading needs workers mexico constructed small representative sort material they read extracted list phrases that are distinctively occupational compared general relevance its results have practical pedagogical implications resumen el conocimiento lexico es esencial para competencia comunic...

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