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picture1_Tourism Pdf 200222 | 125965341

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File: Tourism Pdf 200222 | 125965341
advances in social science education and humanities research volume 605 2nd international conference on business law and local wisdom in tourism icblt 2021 the impact of mass tourism concept on ...

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...Advances in social science education and humanities research volume nd international conference on business law local wisdom tourism icblt the impact of mass concept development bali ida ayu putu widiati luh suryani indah permatasari faculty universitas warmadewa denpasar corresponding author email gmail com abstract is growing industries fact many people are especially really depend industry administration must course be based sustainable unfortunately reality models still encountered this study examines implementation to it a normative legal that makes use primary secondary materials all were processed analyzed results show focuses tourists brought an area without regard sustainability aspects applying its application can have negative positive impacts affect environment economy socio culture keywords introduction empirical condition which derived from practically indonesia tourist destination offers ought developed uniqueness natural beauty has attraction compromising however practi...

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