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picture1_Tourism Pdf 200115 | 858 Item Download 2023-02-09 11-34-17

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File: Tourism Pdf 200115 | 858 Item Download 2023-02-09 11-34-17
eco tourism terms a hybrid vocabulary termenii specifici eco turismului un vocabular hibrid georgeta ra cornelia petroman i petroman anica perkovic agricultural and veterinary university of the banat timioara romania ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 09 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Eco tourism terms a hybrid vocabulary termenii specifici turismului un vocabular hibrid georgeta ra cornelia petroman i anica perkovic agricultural and veterinary university of the banat timioara romania j strossmayer osijek croatia abstract main objective this paper is to rezumat principalul obiectiv al acestei lucrri show how important fashionable words or este s arate cat de importante sunt cuvintele la combining such as can be in mod sau elementele compunere ca development one language our vocabularul unei limbi cazul nostru limba case english study area englez domeniul studio lingvistic linguistics presents an analysis lucrarea prezint o analiz compuselor englezeti compounds with cu metoda const analiza statistic method consists statistical cuvintelor compuse anume reprezint share modern din limbii engleze moderne structura structure parts pri vorbire speech containing hyphenated procentul rezultatele analizei results arat c toate compusele ajutorul that advertising indian crora s...

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