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picture1_Tourism Pdf 200080 | Noverman D

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Tourism Pdf 200080 | Noverman D

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 09 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Volume e issn administrativa fisip unila ac id article penerapan konsep community based tourism dalam pengelolaan wisata kuliner tradisional pasar yosomulyo pelangi kota metro ema diya yusita noverman duadji jurusan administrasi negara universitas lampung how to cite d n history abstract received agustus every citizen has the right get a job and decent living as described in accepted maret constitution paragraph so state an obligation make it happen but country have limitations that they not been able create keywords jobs for all his people need creation environment one of which can be through sector society cbt is concept makes aas actors major participation activites this research aims obtain overview management market payungi city method used qualitative with inductive logic data collection techniques form observation interviews documentation results showed application economic principles vreating sectoe generation income social gender justice men women across generations young old ...

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